To protect your privacy, BFAR.DA.GOV.PH follows the following principles for customer privacy and data protection.
We will ask you when we need information that personally identifies you (personal information) or allows us to contact you. Generally this information is requested when you create a new user profile on the site to use specific features available only to registered users.
The primary reason we obtain this information is to make the site easier for you to use by not having you enter information more than once. We may also periodically use your information to alert you to updated information and other new services from BFAR.DA.GOV.PH.
If you choose not to register or provide personal information, you can still use most of BFAR.DA.GOV.PH. But you will not be able to access areas or use features that require registration.
When you signup, your information is protected. Each person who signup must have a unique email address and user name. Duplicate profiles using the same email address or user name are not permitted.
You may also elect to receive or discontinue receiving any email newsletters we may choose to distribute periodically. Once yousignup, you won’t need to do it again. Wherever you go on BFAR.DA.GOV.PH, your information stays with you.
Parents or guardians: we want to help you guard your children’s privacy. We encourage you to talk to your children about safe and responsible use of their Personal Information while using the Internet.